Title of the show: SmartHeart Kids’ Adventure 2016 Orphanage Zoo Negara Trip
Place: Zoo Negara, Malaysia
Date: 5th November 2016
Title of the show: SmartHeart Kids’ Adventure 2016 Orphanage Zoo Negara Trip
Place: Zoo Negara, Malaysia
Date: 5th November 2016
The SmartHeart Kid’s Adventure Trip 2016 continues its saga to the ever famous Malaysian Tourism spot Zoo Negara Malaysia which is located at Hulu Kelang, Kuala Lumpur was held on Saturday, 5th November 2016 for its third time.This event was once again proudly sponsored and organized by SmartHeart, and fully coordinated by us, Petster. It was a fun educational trip combined by 9 various multiracial children orphanage homes in the Klang Valley.
Accompanied by 25 guardians, with a total of 260 lucky children respectfully from Agathians Shelter, Rumah Aman , Pietas Foster Home , RACTAR Orphanage, Sweet Care Welfare Society, Peyakin Klang, Ti- Ratana Home, and Gurpuri Foundation. This brilliant program initiative main objective which is the 3rd time is of course is giving opportunities for the orphans to interact with animals, while learning more about them. Plus educating the younger ones to love and appreciate animals better.